VN - Ren'Py - Silvia Stone [v0.3] [Kachechko]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    There's potential here, but the current status is a bit rough. I will start by complimenting the amount of work already in the game: there's three routes, and each has a good amount of story so far, somewhere around an hour each.

    One route is building incestual urges with the main character's son, the second is a flirty sexting with a younger man, and the last is sexually charged work content. After selecting a route at the beginning of the game, there are currently no other branches aside from locking off a scene or adjusting the character's response, so it's more like three alternate stories than a game that responds to your choices over the story.

    For AI art, it's decently done and solid quality, but there are some noticeable inconsistencies; the most prominent being a scene where there's an awkward line about taking off earrings (because the earrings disappear from future renders) and the art style changing for a character. The most prominent version of the latter is the son's head changing from very animalistic to more of a softer furry style.

    In all, the weakest part of the game is the writing (or translation). The game launched in Russian and I played in English, so I am assuming it's translated, but there are a lot of errors and awkward language. The dialogue often doesn't match how a native speaker would say something, and the main character is frequently referred to as "he" which can really take you out of it.

    My other problem is that actions the character takes are often written in a format that might work for one-on-one roleplay, but really doesn't work for a text-based game. Actions will often be written like "(goes to the kitchen)" with the subject left off and no real flow to it.

    Despite these flaws, I enjoyed the stories as they are. They're a bit porn-brained, but none of them jump straight into sex and take time to build up. The only interactions between the characters in the sexting storyline is done through texting and selfies and I still found it to be a compelling relationship.

    If the translation quality improves, this is an easy 1-2 star increase in my rating.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, If you like the genre you will surely like this game, the art the writing everything is really good and i see a lot of potential for this game, its a pretty early stage but i already see greatness in it.