VN - Ren'Py - Short NTR Stories [v0.1] [LustfulFantasy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A short ntr story and a short ntr story it is! Renders are nice, the female model is alluring and animations are smooth. A VN with a simple straightforward ntr story seems to be how the serie will go on if the dev keeps making more.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Short and sweet, just as the title suggests.

    I appreciate that the dev gave the female love interest some personality - it made it hotter as she was more corrupted.

    The graphics were solid though I think there’s room for improvement, specifically the indoor lighting. I see spotlights used but the shape should be rectangle or disk to make the shadows softer.

    I agree with the other reviewer that the breasts were odd shaped. I’d suggest trying Zev0’s Breast Control which can help move and rotate breasts to realistic angles.

    The story was interesting and progressed as realistically as one could hope considering it is a “short story”. I look forward to more from the dev, particularly interested to see any concepts from outside the middle east.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Hijab NTR LETS GO!

    Ok, so the premise and the story is pretty good. I can do without the noises to be honest. Maybe add more women in the MC's life like his mom/sister/aunt/ or even a GILF(avoidable for those not interested of course)
    And maybe have some hidden sex as well such as fucking behind doors/curtains/on a phone call/ in a packed subway or bus etc..
    But overall a good start ;)
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The name says it all - Short NTR Stories, and it's a short NTR story (singular.) If unfamiliar with the Dev's work, try Life in the Middle East. He plays to Mid-Eastern tropes - male domination, female submission etc. It is quite effective.

    In this particular story, there is an attractive young virgin, with ridiculous boobs, and a submissive male as a husband. They are newlywed and as supposed custom, the groom's uncle supervises their wedding night (I don't know if this is an actual custom or not - if so...disturbing.) As per his formula, the Dev introduces a dominant male - the uncle. What follows is a mix of cuck and netorare. I won't give away the details, but you can guess.

    Overall, if this is your thing - it is a good, short story. The renders are decent, the LI attractive in a non-western sense (although the boobs are oddly shaped), animation solid and the sex positions anything but vanilla. I give it four stars because I am a tough grader. Subjectively, I would've liked non weirdly shaped torpedo boobs and her getting taken on all fours...again, subjective. If you found this titillating, check out his earlier work mentioned above. Very similar themes with an even more attractive female MC - also it's a VN with choices and more of a buildup. I encourage the Dev to continue his works because they are something different and he does have above-average talent.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    My hand was literally vibrating over the mouse at that one point, shaking so badly I could barely push myself to go forward.

    The only way this could have been better is if it was trimmed down to its high points. There was an unnecessary cooldown there with repeating thoughts and themes during the scene. It dulled the tension that was so intense and it took me out of the headspace temporarily and it was quite underwhelming.

    Repetition and stretching are fine but not when the point is to be short and strong.

    Not that I'm complaining though—I'm writing this and I'm still tingling.

    Fuck me that was good.