Unreal Engine - Parasite Inside [v0.2.1] [Kodman]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7324360

    Version 2.1

    Great setting and visuals, dig the plot so far, rather not speak further on any of this lest I spoil anything. Gameplay's decent enough, though the lighting on the broken down ship may be a bit too dim, and crouch speed is way too slow. Despite what you may have read, there are definitely 18+ scenes, many of which are found along the critical path.

    This is a game to keep your eyes on. Looking forward to the corrupted alternate storyline!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent space horror scifi with some beautifully animated, high quality scenes. Controls are janky but passable, certainly have played games from here with worse.

    A decent amount of work has gone into building the world and the space horror. Looking foward to seeing where this goes.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The good:

    Clearly a lot of effort put in the development.

    Decent technical execution. The game runs like a hog for the limited "boxes in a hall with flat textures" rendering complexity, but the environments are worked on, credible and consistent in style. The main character is looking OK, if generic. And other interactive assets (textures, text content, voice) are pretty good for this stage of dev.

    The bad:

    Art and creative direction are non-existent. The story is barely coherent, the level design and how they relate to the story progression feel like they have been randomly generated.

    Everything in the game is a crate or a corridor. Even when some random plants, a bit of lighting, some color would seem story- and design-appropriate, they are absent. To the point of harming navigation: every corridor looks the same, and it's nearly impossible to orientate oneself on this endless succession of gray boxes.

    The ugly:

    Game and systems design are junk. This is a corridor walking simulation, broken up by some minor, and extremely infuriating in their jankiness, segments of jumping between boxes, crates or gantries.

    There is no porn. In the 3h I have tried to play this, I have not encountered a single porn sequence. A complete waste of time on something that would barely qualify as a demo and no one would bother trying if it didn't have the promise of some porn scenes.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    this is the game I've been looking for all this time. a game with exploration like a normal game like usual that is added with porn nuances and takes place in space (alien rape, finally). it still needs improvement to be developed, but so far it's going well. hopefully it will be released on Steam soon, of course I will buy it. 8/10.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Well designed, rather long game play, good level design, there is just enough hand holding from the developers, and it's possible to get all the hints if you know where to look. A lot of material in the journal and email entries, so it's actually good world building.

    I think if there are more enemy variety, and being infected should have a more permanent consequence, that would be great. More adult content would be great too...
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    this is definitely a video game! it has content, you do things, you talk to people!

    in all seriousness, this game taps into a fetish i wish there were more games covering - that sense of corruption, the infection that leads to horny outcomes instead of tragic or outright disgusting outcomes. different paths based on whether the heroine is clothed or nude, infected or not, pure or corrupt, all of which mingle with one another to make each playthrough and story feel unique. whether the heroine remain clean and pure, or corrupt and debaucherous - that's the shit i live for.

    i wish there was more of that. mechanically speaking, the game is fine; it's definitely a work in progress, and it serves as a vessel for the player to see erotic content, which is all we care about here. it would be nice if it had a tighter focus on the gameplay, atmosphere, and interaction with the world. the shooting gameplay feels a bit plain, and on Normal difficulty, the little creatures harassing Oni barely pose a threat (once you know where they are). the ship you play on doesn't feel lived in or authentic, it feels like a puzzle game dungeon.

    there's tiny bits of atmosphere, clutter, and signs of life here and there, but it really does feel like a samey series of hallways with some signs that roughly indicate direction. most of them look the same, with no landmarks or decor that make the areas stand out. it half commits to the idea of a clean, sterile colony ship, and half commits to the idea of a rampant infestation. there's no real seamless blending between the two, like a game such as System Shock would have - rather, there's a few gross blobs juxtaposed on otherwise normal areas.

    i kept anticipating, since there was a relatively minimum level of effort put into the gameplay loop and meat of the experience, that at least there would be sufficient erotic content. the player can... walk around naked, be intimate with two people, get raped once, and have two infection cutscenes. that seems like an okay amount of content on the surface, but as of now, there's really no variety to it. hopefully this gets significant expansion; more enemy encounters, different cutscene variations based on how dire the player's situation is (infection, some kind of corruption level, prior sexual encounters with humans and/or xenos, etc.).

    new mid-gameplay content would be welcome, that allows the deviant player to put the heroine swiftly into a sexual encounter when greeted by an enemy, allowing some horny gameplay without hard cutting to a new scene and taking control from the player. as it is, the infection builds up a bit too fast for a player that is only going to see one cutscene a single time, and another cutscene for every single time they get re-infected afterwards. this could be smoothed over with a more gradual buildup, and of course, more content to expose the player to, and possibly punish them with - being set back between two to five minutes is more of an annoyance than anything.

    if the actual sexual content of the game is going to be relegated to cutscenes and story moments, some improvement to the actual gameplay loop would be excellent. make the combat feel more engaging, liven up the interior, add some atmosphere, set the tone, introduce weapon variety, something to that effect. in a perfect world, it would look good, play well, and tick all the erotic game boxes, but beggars can't be choosers, and no game is perfect.

    TL;DR - good concept, mixed feelings about the execution. needs better gameplay and environment, as well as more varied sexual content. implementing diverging paths based on player choice would be cool, but not a necessity - just some stuff to consider going forward. best of luck to the dev, i hope this turns out to be something special.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Grate game with somewhat interesting gameplay and eye-catching style.
    Personally I really liked costume system and form of parasite infection. For this version there are few scenes but they pretty long and with decent quality.
    4/5, hope it'll become 5/5 in the future.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best and most promising games on this site that runs on the unreal engine, most of the game that run on this engine have like 30 mins of game play before it is abandoned and forgotten this game has a good about of game play and looks promising hopefully if keeps getting updates.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Lets start with the basics:
    The game is a survival horror game that is dead space with more sex.

    The basic premise is pretty neat, I really do appreciate games that develop at least a little lore to why things are horny and this game does a decent job of having a legitimate reason everybody is horny all the time, though there is a moment where our main character fingers a corpse's vagina rather sensually in a situation akin to any horror film where you're screaming at the screen "BAD IDEA"

    First off, I didn't see an AI tag for this game, but the art has the distinct feel of being AI generated (there's 2D art cards you collect as well as some loading screen with that "AI Generated" art style and accompanying artifacts). If it's actually hand drawn I'd be impressed at mimicing the style of the overdetailed AI generations we usually get. I don't mind AI art at all, I just don't appreciate developers that aren't up front about it.

    The character designs are a big L for me, it gets tiring that every character has to have H cups and this game is no exception. I don't mean to kink shame anybody for liking the balloon breasts, it's just that the prevalence of them is almost a parody of itself. And that's what we get here, breasts larger than her head... which really sucks to have a game with a rather serious tone to have comedically sized pair of breasts bouncing around in front of it.

    The voice "acting" is actually really good, for what seems to be AI generated voices, there's a lot of inflection and effort (at least at the start of the game) that makes it almost stand out. It's probably some of the best porn "acting" I've seen in a while, it's a shame that a couple lines later really fall apart. Again, I don't mind AI being used, in fact I think for most porn games with English voices, you're probably going to get a better performance out of AI than you will getting actual VAs... unless you lie to the VAs about it being for a porn game and actually hire experienced actors.

    The ship is... interesting, it's a bit windy and a couple architectural choices are just blatantly wrong (two parallel hallways going to the same place for example) the "path" is a little branching and there's a couple points of no return where going back requires going around and potentially getting a new key or tool. Overall I would have appreciated a smaller ship area that looped back on itself more often so when I found the level 2 key, going back and exploring the level 1 areas with level 2 doors was less of a trek.

    The puzzles are mostly, "go through a vent and hit the button" or "shoot the glowing fuse on the wall and it pops open a door" a couple require you to connect wires on a panel but it's not really much of a puzzle. Mercifully whenever you're given keypad codes they mostly put the pass code under the keypad when you open it so you don't have to spend too many brain cells on them.

    Combat is... frustrating? Typical to survival horror you're limited on ammo, thanks to some puzzles needing it you don't ever want to spend all your bullets. I had a couple instances of enemies seeming to respawn which is a bit of a no-no for the survival horror genre, the enemy takes two shots to hit and most engagement distances leave the target dying in melee range... which doesn't really do much. Dying leads to sex scenes, and you just have to find your way back to where you were from the check point it respawns you at, so there's no real penalty for dying it seems. I found that in most cases it was easier to just let death come and go through the area now that the enemy was gone having done what it wanted with me.

    Cutscenes are another mark off for this game, not because they're particularly bad but because they seem to drag on sometimes. There's a UI with two buttons that I don't really know what they actually were supposed to do but it was kind of dumb to have them hanging out there during the cutscene. If I don't have control during a cutscene I prefer it to move on.

    As far as I saw there didn't seem to be any paywalling, not obviously at least, but I did come across at least a keypad or two that I didn't have the passcode for. That would be another mark against the game if it is in fact a patreon reward. I was looking all over trying to find that code and never found it in game.

    So far it's a mediocre sci-fi survival horror, with bad character design, good "acting" and a neat plot. There's barely any optional sex scenes (I mean she enjoyed fingering the first corpse she came across, why not let her play with some of the others?) The sex parts of the game don't feel that out of place, apart from the ridiculous character design, when the plot presented context to the sex scenes I actually said "man, there should be a horniness meter you have to manage" and was surprised in how little sex in the game there is. And there's a good amount in there all ready.

    I probably WON'T be giving this a second try until it gains the "character creation" tag and adds some body sliders or tones down the tone deaf character proportions.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Bad repetative and unbalanced gameplay for some medium to good scenes ... performance is also bad ... nough said ... it needs much more content ... better weapon mechanic and more variant enemies to make it better ...
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Let me get the obvious out of the way. Gameplay is mainly walking around a corridor in the first part and sometimes shooting just one type of enemy. Game is way too dark and non-communicative, so it's easy to miss a door and not know where to go next. Voice acting is soulless and so are the collectibles (AI generated, to no one's surprise). Scenes are mid, so if you're into the parasite infecting genre, this game is not worth the time it takes to get some of the most basic parasite scenes imaginable. (it proves yet again that the number of decent games in this totally niche genre is still in single digits)

    What really gets to me isn't the fact that the game is boring. It's that, while the creator is just starting out, I can already tell they're aiming too high with their game. They pad out gameplay with walking to give you a false sense of accomplishment. You'll never relate to the story because it's just void with nothing to invest in. If the AI wasn't already a tell on how this game was going to be, you can be sure that there's not much in the form of workable ideas going into the game if this is the first showing. And no, updates don't mean jack if you can't feel a clear direction coming from this first step into the development cycle.

    Save your time from this one.

    edit: I should also add that the game is fundamentally broken. The gallery doesn't work as intended, since it only records roughly 7 out of the 12-ish scenes worth of viewing pleasure. Have fun trying to distinguish between a computer that saves your progress versus one meant for worldbuilding.

    Side note, to kick the parasite lovers down even further, I'm assuming that most of yall are fans of seeing the process of "parasitization" that comes with the genre. So you'd expect a lot of those 12-ish scenes to have, well, the parasite, no? Nah, you get ONE scene (its just "alien parasite larva thing goes inside person"). The rest are vanilla sex scenes with the occasional parasite reskin of the female model this game uses. Not worth the hour and half of walking it took to make it to that point.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Promissing game, storytelling is interrresting. Sexy protagonist. Despite low amount of ammo that make it challenging. Controls are pretty easy except for aiming, a bit hard for some creature. Really looking forward to see what's comming next.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    90 minutes of walking through corridors
    AOE on kill enemies that do the same thing as they would if they hit you. If you hit 100% on the game's "infection meter" you get to watch a pre-made cutscene that becomes gratuitously grindy and repetitive when it forces you to re-watch it, and then walk the same lengths of corridor over n over every time you "lose". The only other kind of damage in this game is fall damage, of which if you die to you have to load from save.
    Shitty ai slop collectible cards that're not worth pursuing.
    Only one type of enemy.
    All the game is is walking down corridors, running out of stamina and flashlight power, and ai generated voice acting 'cutscenes'.
    Most of the assets used are either default unreal, or flipped from the store.
    Overall a waste of time
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    working game, a game! not melting my gpu! excellent game, tentacles are not my cup of cake but really appreciate. keep it up! what a gem!
    i really happy that i'm I'm glad I tried it. do not hesitate, give it a try!
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Realy cool game with a lot of potential, lots of customization for the protagonist however I would like the flashlight to shine a little more and more ammo for the gun. Can't wait for next update, the story is nice !
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the games i didnt know i like. I try nearly every UE game i find but this one is outstandig. I didnt want a game to be a more fap game. You can explore, find things and kill some alien mutt.
    What i like the most is the element of suprise. You dont know what to find behind the next door or which scene could pop up.

    Keep the game up!
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    Innocent Squirrel

    This game has potential but I came for H-scenes but instead ended up solving puzzles and crawling through an empty ship.

    The mechanics are nice, the puzzles are fine but give us mobs that can attack us and Woohoo our lil pretty gal. I'll sound like an asshole if it means I'll be saving you the time if you came here to fap instead of solving puzzles cuz the H-scenes are pretty much not there.

    Developer, keep making your game. It's not bad, it's just unfinished yet published here as an H-game thus my 2-stars.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    That game went straight into "Good games" folder.

    Pros: Excellent optimization, game runs as smooth as possible, while still having a good grapgics. Good controls - mc never got stuck, good walking/running animation, jumping is also great. Sex scenes are alright, there's a room for improvement, but they're still nice. Good looking mc, other girls and jiggle physics. There is a lot of notes to find, but if you don't want to read them, if they contain valuable info (code for one of the doors), the code will just be written under the keypad after you read the note, so you don't need to pay attention or remember anything you don't want to.

    Cons: First thing i disliked about this game is second sex-scene, where 2 guys just knock you out and one of them rapes your unconscious body. This scene is also scripted, so you can't avoid that. In ver 0.2.0 you can't deal with them or find them after, even though you get a gun, which is the second con - it's only good to shoot spores, but actually moving parasites don't get staggered by taking a shot and just keep jumping at you, and they don't need much - just to get close and explode into a gas cloud that knocks you out and teleports to the nearest breeding wall. Considering that dev decided to put them just near the door, or right around the corner, most of the times you don't have time to react (also can't stagger them as i said). The main goal is to find where to go, and there is no map in your inventory, even though you have some electronic device that shows what is your objective, act's as your bio monitor and flashlight. To know where you are, you need to find a good old map on the wall. And the last thing is no control in sex scenes, you can only skip, you can't move your camera or choose pre-set angles, it also just plays like a video that you cant pause - you enjoyed that pov, where lady flicked your bean, sucking on your titty? Well, too bad, go to the safe room pc and start the replay.

    To sum it up, what made me enjoy this game is good looking mc, well designed costumes (i took them off and ran around naked anyway) very good controls and interaction with the world - it's enjoyable to play it and look at it, so the things i stated as cons don't have much weight for me, but i'd really like to get a map and looped animations during sex-scenes, having to press next when i want to move forward, not only when i want to skip.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    started playing it and made it to the end of what is currently there, and i gotta say, i loved it and would love to see more! if i have enough money to spare this month i will see if i can donate a bit to you. i wanna see this finished! its excellent so far.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    The game lasts too long, but there are only three animations... And sometimes the perspective can make me dizzy. The only two relatively good aspects are that the characters look good and the game runs smoothly.