Unity - Completed - Newona, Ritual Offering to The Depraved God ~ The Surrender of the Transforming Gender-bent TS Exorcist Girl [v1.03] [I'm moralist]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    its a good game. 4/5.
    the gfs is good, play mechanics is good, story is decent. overall its a solid game.
    some shortcoming are a) the game sometime crashes, so needs to save regularly. b) the navigation can use a bit of QOL improvement.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I just think this game had a lot of potential and I had fun playing it, so 3-3.5 is a fair rating. The chibi looking MC is very cute, the enemies are a creative mix, and the card combat is ok. With a little more work and a better card battle system this would be a very good game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    completed the game with depravity 0
    h-content is mostly rape with monster which is not for me, i stayed for gameplay though
    it's the first card game i played that has hp as cards themselves, i'm not gonna say it's better than classic but it's definitely something new and unique
    art is very good, it's a shame there is like 1 scene(araka one) which is not a rape or something weird
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    My personal playtime was just under 7 hours to beat it the first time. Got Eldritch Level 0 (used 2 devil cards but used the eldritch lowering events before I ever ranked up). Started New Game+ to see scenes. (Haven't seen them all yet)

    The scenes are pretty nice and the 3d isn't the worst I've seen: 4/5
    The story was lackluster from start to finish. It was in actual English though, so props: 2/5
    TLDR gameplay: 3.5/5
    Total: 3/5
    Not the worst card game I've played. But not great either.

    Rambling time

    The gameplay is where I'm going to go off the rails. This game has some weird quirks that make it different than most card games I've played. The deck itself being your HP isn't revolutionary by card game standards but it is uncommon. This makes certain cards gain interesting advantages. A good example of this is False Restraints (which thanks to getting a few copies in my run carried me). False Restraints has a 'negative' effect of adding a Restraint debuff card to your deck and a 'Graveyard' effect of dealing 5 damage. The Restraint card it adds, while not as good as a Tingle or Defense, is technically a heal/block for 1 every turn it remains in your hand. The 'Graveyard' effect is amazing, it triggers not only from discards which you can do with the Restraint it added, but also from being damaged. Having just 2 of these can drastically improve how direct damage decks perform. It's not an instant include card for certain decks though, while very powerful and the fact the tutorial gives you one, it takes 2 card slots in your deck and is a 3 star drop, so you'll likely not end up with many. At worst it's 5 damage for 5 mana, which isn't great but it's not the worst. All that was a rambling about 1 card out of like 150. So the depth is certainly there. However, I don't think it's amazingly balanced for it's potential depth.

    There are several stand out cards that do way more than others, even when considering their respective rarities. Take these as a few examples of weirdly powerful cards: Risking Life, Nasty Druken Fist: Glamour, Amadzumi: White Birch, Refurbishment of the Corpse, Trade, Expansion:Offensive Boundary, Sex Chakra. Some of these might seem fine until you think about what they are actually doing compared to the other cards in the same mana slot as them. Druken Fist Glamour for example does 3 damage for 2 mana and gives you 3 Estrus debuffs to deck. This is barely a negative as the 3 extra cards are just worse Defense cards. Amadzumi Fang is similar in effect but costs 3 mana does 2 damage and only adds 1 Defense. Sure Defense is much better than Estrus when drawn but Defense still sucks to draw, you never want to actually draw into it(unless there is some weird card I never got that wants Defense in hand). So Drunken Fist Glamour wildly outperforms it in my experience. It's weird how unique and cool this card game is while simultaneously being frustrating to actually build unique decks since some strategies just get stomped by certain enemies/bosses.

    I'm gonna stop my rambling now. 3.5/5 it's unique and sort of fun. If it were just a little more open to more interesting strategies than "use biggest numbers" I'd probably give it a clean 4.

    To clarify I'm not saying that you can't use other strategies, just with the way the decks don't recycle when you reach your last card incentivizes you to have the most damage packed in your deck limit. I had some side decks that worked fine, like a self debuff Erotic/Witch deck and opponent force draw handsize "Mounting" deck, but none as well as the straight up damage Fight/Witch did.
    Likes: DuniX
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The deck building aspect is really good. Having your deck serve as an HP bar as well is innovative and works really well to tie in the corruption system. It distinguishes itself really well from the slay the spire copy cats.

    The game is HARD. DO NOT SAVE SCUM. I did this because I thought there was a larger plot. Despite what the introduction leads you to believe, the game ends after the one dungeon and the whole challenge of the game is trying to come out uncorrupted. Frankly, you are most likely meant to "fail" your first time around.

    The H scenes are not amazing but I really enjoyed the art and overall the scenes are good and sexy if you are into tentacles.

    The biggest downsides for me are 1) the lack of resolution to story and 2) the high difficulty.
    If you enjoy deck building games you should give this a try, otherwise I would not recommend it.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay time: I got lost track of time, around 12 hours.

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  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Let me give you an example of how bullshit the 'game' side of this is.

    Facing off against a toilet tentacle (it makes as much sense WITH context as without)

    The thing will attack you with cards that fills your deck with a card called Urinate. which on use gives you an incontinence card, if you don't use the incontinence card, you lose 1 mana at the start of your turn.

    Basically 1 card can cause you to waste 2-3 turns trying to get rid of it and its effects, because it's LITERALLY debuffing your potential cards by 25% or more (1-4 cards)

    Okay - the game has a counter to this. It's called " A clean breeze" or something that when you end your turn, temporarily fills your hand with dummy cards, preventing enemies from filling your hand with trash.

    Except all enemies have cards that go "remove # cards from player hand, and add debuff card to hand"

    Multiple enemies have this. You can very quickly end up in a debuff spiral where you lose your best cards from chip damage while it's all replaced with trash from teh same chip damage cards.

    Not fun at all, like legitimately anti-fun to play this "game". Which i genuinely think was the point, it genuinely feels like the dev made teh game bullshit difficult to force you into the "on repeated loss" H scenes.

    Bad game design, especially when you already get enfeebling cards if you want to just go full submission.

    The hscenes are hot, the idea might make a good OVA, but the game itself is as garbage as the 3d cg which feels like Animal Crossing gone sexual buy failing miserably.

    I gave it another try to see if maybe if it was me. Gotta be fair right?

    No. If anything i've gone from disliking this game, to uninstalling it and purposefully coming here to edit my review.

    If you want the hscenes, go to hitomi, if you want a game, avoid this like the plague.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    After my first run i know gme is going to have a very divisive opinion.
    Honestly if you compare this with a lot of other porn games, its not a bad game at all. But is is also nowhere near a 5/5.

    It is possible to do Eldrich 0 level clear on first run? Yes, yes you can.
    It is worth it? Not really.

    It is worth playing it for the gameplay? If you want to play an actual card game, this aint it. Go play STS or something. This is still very gimmicky. Just enjoy the scenes.

    Summed my quick thoughts below:

    Why you should play this:
    - You enjoy TS theme
    - You enjoy horror monster scenes
    - Scenes are pretty hot
    - Voice acted (tho sometimes there are lines missing, not sure if intended or not)
    - You want something more than just a scene collector:

    Why you should avoid this:
    - You hate clunky gameplay
    - You hate imbalanced gameplay forcing you to do certain act
    - You hate games in early access (cause this sure feels like one)
    - None of the reasons mentioned earlier attracts you
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    alot of trial and error but overall isn't a terrible game. The gameplay takes a bit of learning and the scene art wasn't bad along with some of the chibi stuff. The Cards are Ai generated but seem to be of decent quality thanks to the amount of filters the creatir added to help the ai make it.

    Story - 5
    2d art - 7
    3dcg -4
    Gameplay - 6
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Its fun an esy too learnd the game play is well thought out.
    also love the charater desighn. also like the idea of whaching your progress throught the game no mater how small. An i like the idea of apunishement game for using over power cards.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I actually feel assaulted.
    This game started with 30 minutes of expositionary text. Nobody in their right mind would decide to do something like this... for just a stupid hentai game, or so I thought, in other words, I had expectations. So I've read through it all and, damn, it was alright. Main character, for once, doesn't seem retarded and, as a boy turned into a girl, wants to actually return to his original self. Great!

    But then the gameplay hit me. It's yet another case of "you can do this without all this depraved stuff, yes you can, you've got a choice!!!!" In reality, though, you cannot.
    Your health and your cards(the only way to actually do anything in fights) are one and the same, in other words, uhm, you don't have many turns, cause you can only have 20 at a time(and yeah, remember the deck optimization from normal card games? - nah, you have to equip 20 at all times to even stand a chance) and don't forget, enemies will also take away your cards.
    The first enemy had 27 HP, which is a lot, considering that your average damage for turn is about... 2-3... while you only get like 5-6 turns before you run out of cards. But I beat it, alright, this must have been a special one. Next enemy had 40 HP and it did 9 damage(half of my HP) to me in a single turn.
    So, you are out of health and cards. What's next? The only way you can defeat an enemy is by contacting your demon, which is, of course, a "deprave choice", which you MUST take in order to beat the game(second enemy in the entire game). In other words, there is no choice and the developers are actually clinically insane to put this much text\exposition\plot at the beginning of an absolute garbage of a game. My wasted hour will never be back.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Its an ok game wouldve been better if there was some battle fuck in it. i was able to get by most of the early enemy by just spamming that one "offense" card and stall by not using any card in my hand and since most enemies would just fill your deck more than the damage they do until eventually you cant die and just wait til the "offense" card kill them. later on i wasnt able to do this anymore because some enemies would just discard your whole hand or just 25 damage on the first turn?????????

    for the people that only care about the porn theres like 5? (1 per level of corruption) non-chibi scenes and a couple of chibis scenes that plays when you use the demon card but dont hit the full level from what i saw
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Game actively tries to force you to use a system that it tells you is for "emergencies only" right away. You can't even decide to just lose a fight, you Have to keep using the cards that result in getting closer to a game over until you win. Art isn't even that good either, and is WAY too wordy for how little it actually shows you. Also the fact that most of the scenes are weird chibi nonsense. Just stay away, it's a bad game and not worth the trouble.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a bit like Ero Dungeons, except there's no party building, debuffs aren't really visible, and combat has about zero sexual content except for the MC masturbating and sometimes popping up some flesh cumpet, if you use correct card.

    And then it crashed when I pressed the "Save" button. :KEK:
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Obvious AI generated images, gets away with it due to it being most prevelent on the cards which are small size/resolution and the descriptions during the scenes (h and not h) being detailed. The gameplay loop is quite nice even if the combat feels confusing and then quite repetitive. Overall very high scorer for im moralist type game, one of their best.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly excellent deckbuilding game that uses very unique mechanics for the genre. A game where your deck is your health and damage causes you cards to be discarded creates an interesting challenge for deckbuilding. The game has very good card variety and while it is designed as a roguelike it allows you to save and load at any time so you're free to play at your own pace.

    Enemies remained threatening throughout even with a decent deck, which is always nice, and there were constantly new interactions introduced due to the aforementioned card variety. The downsides I found compared to other games in the genre is that there's no real way to find cards you need other than having them show up randomly. There is no shop and often you will get a single random card or a choice between two sets of two cards. The animations can also take a bit long but I found them fun enough that it didn't really bother me.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Ook Ook

    Doesn't run the best, and I hoped for more content. Challenging, and systems aren't explained the best to you. UI could be a lot better as well, and translations make card building sort of confusing. Despite this, I think this is better than 70% of the other stuff. It really gets you craving a balance patch, more flushed out systems, and just more time in it. If i could i would give it 3.3/5., but I'll bump it up just because we need more atmospheric games like this.

    If you like im moralist's work or something similar, I would play just to experience the full game to see the monster scenes. They're honestly a lot more "vanilla" than the previous works. Also play cage of tentacles just a better game+hentai game tbh!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun deckbuilding challenge with multiple valid playstyles, good enemy variety and some nice art.

    Story is whatever, skipped all the dialogue, but the games themes played out nicely through its visual themes and gameplay.

    Would replay the game for fun if it wasn't a bit too tedious and slow in all regards.

    Hard skip if you're not playing for the deckbuilding.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    It's not great.

    It's a deckbuilding game first and foremost; the pornographic scenes are either at the very start when you spy on some characters (that immediately disappear from the game) or as a "punishment" for using get-out-of-jail super moves. The scenes? Charming, assuming you're into the whole eldritch monster and tentacles corrupting someone into being too horny to say no anymore. (Charming is probably not a good word for that!) These are surprisingly longwinded, although only have five~ CGs. There are some chibi-animations of your Monster Stand violating your character here and there, but they're brief and textless.

    ... And that's it.

    Some of the cards allude to lewd things, but they're superficial at best. The rest is a creepy pasta horror while you go through a simple awful deckbuilding game; there is a strategy you can use for it, but most of your actions are completely out of your hands. Your deck gets flooded with debuffs as you go on, monster moves frequently add them to your deck, and there's not much of a way to prune them out - sometimes you can use them offensively, but that involves you drawing that card through all the chafe. Oh, and your health is also your deck, so you discard things as you take damage anyway. (And, weirdly, gain health as you get debuffed.) The amount of bad cards combined with the fact your handsize is a tiny four means you end up with a lot of dead turns just clearing out debuffs, only to get given more by the monster you're fighting.

    It's all very strange. It does seem to be some sort of prototype for a more involved game, that or they ran out of budget; the backdrop is for a more traditional H-RPG you see on here, but then everything is discarded to just move through a random encounter maze. There's tracked corruption mechanics on the heroine, the idea that she's boinking tons of monsters as you get corruption, but... none of that actually happens.

    just play an actual deckbuilding game on steam like slay the spire or phantom rose or something
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm Moralist's games tend to be a bit divisive. Themes like corruption, rape, body modification and bestiality and/or tentacles tend to be prevalent. Newona is no different in that regard. The art for the CG-scenes is good, so if you're into that sort of porn content you might enjoy this.
    The main sex scenes, one of which you'll encounter immediately upon starting a new playthrough, are really wordy and focus mostly on the mentality of Newona as he first is forcibly transformed into a girl and then as she is corrupted, mainly focusing on enslavement/impregnation parts. I think a lot of people might find these sex scenes a bit drawn-out.
    Also, the 3D chibi models (for Newona for example) aren't exactly impressive and the monster models on the map and during fights also seem a bit lazy and don't exactly get me aroused.
    The main gameplay consists of playing a card game. There are some porn games that do this, and in my experience the card game mechanics tends to distract from the porn. It's no different in Newona. So far I have done one full playthrough (getting a good ending) and a bit of another playthrough, and about 90% of my time was spent during card game matches and between matches modifying the deck/walking between the rooms on the map. What I mean by this is that quite a small amount of your time will actually contain any porn/sex scenes playing this porn game. That's quite a shame. It makes the overall experience feel like a waste of time.
    The card games can be quite frustrating unless you're fine with losing repeatedly. If you want to win you have to either grind out some battles for loot (better cards or rarely more card slots and extra mana/play points) or get real lucky if you rush bosses. You can finish the game pretty fast by ignoring as many battles as possible and rushing bosses, but I wouldn't recommend that since then your deck will probably be too weak to beat the bosses.
    If you're having trouble you could try cards that discard the opponents cards, cards that heal you, cards that fetch cards from your graveyard, etc. There are some quite powerful cards you may discover but of course most of them are rare.