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Collection - Unity - Completed - Holy Sisters + 3D [Final] [YouNeedATowel]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    So, I decided to give the Match game a whirl, expecting a simple, mindless experience that even my cat could master. And you know what? It delivered exactly that - in the best way possible.

    Sure, it's not breaking any boundaries or reinventing the wheel, but sometimes you just want a game where you can switch off and let your inner goofball shine. And that's where Match comes in. It's like a cozy blanket on a rainy day - familiar, comforting, and just plain enjoyable.

    And those rewards? Okay, they might not be setting the world on fire, but hey, they're a nice little bonus for just having some good old-fashioned fun. Plus, they're perfect for a quick pick-me-up whenever you need a break from the chaos of the world.

    So yeah, if you're like me and appreciate a good ol' retarded game that doesn't take itself too seriously, give Match a shot. It might just surprise you with its charm and simplicity.

    the art is superhot but the cover image is hotter than anything you'll find in game.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Meh. Match game is very simple with ho hum rewards. No challenge, nothing new. Very lack luster.

    The 3-d Shooter is a third person mess. Serious Sam without the fun. Guns are not very interesting. Grenade mechanic is unusable on the run, which is what this game is all about. Environment is a promise that never delivers. Again very one dimensional, except now it borders on unplayable. No real fun here.
    Likes: jttth